Navigating the streets of Japan can be an adventure, but with these handy expressions, you’ll feel right at home wherever you go. Let’s dive in!

Let’s cover some basic phrases that will come in handy when asking for directions.

In the section, we have listed down 20 most commonly used Japanese vocabulary in this topic.

Click on the YouTube video link for detailed explanation and examples on how to use these words in each situation.

If you’d like to practise, we have also prepared a quiz to help you memorize the words faster.

Thank you for learning with us!

Table of Content:


交差点こうさてんkōsatencross junction
現在地げんざいちgenzaichicurrent location
一つ目の交差点ひとつめのこうさてんhitotsume no kōsatenfirst cross junction
二つ目の交差点ふたつめのこうさてんfutatsume no kōsatensecond cross junction
まっすぐ行くまっすぐいくmassugu ikugo straight
信号しんごうshingōtraffic light
右に曲がるみぎにまがるmigi ni magaruturn right
左に曲がるひだりにまがるhidari ni magaruturn left
歩道橋ほどうきょうhodōkyōpedestrian bridge
道の左側みちのひだりがわmichi no hidarigawaleft side of the road
道の右側みちのみぎがわmichi no migigawaright side of the road
道を渡るみちをわたるmichi wo watarucross the road
突き当たりつきあたりtsukiataridead end
橋を渡るはしをわたるhashi wo watarucross the bridge
歩道橋を渡るほどうきょうをわたるhodōkyō wo watarucross the pedestrian bridge

How to Ask for Direction?

(A = location) は どこですか。
A wa doko desuka

Where is the (A = location)?

A can be:
– 郵便局 (yūbinkyoku) – post office
– 病院 (byō-in) – hospital
– 学校 (gakkō) – school

How to Give Direction?

<辞書形> と 、〜があります。
<Verb dictionary form>, then there will be ~.

For e.g.

Aさん:(郵便局)は どこですか。
Bさん:まっすぐ行くと 、右に郵便局があります。
    (massugu ikuto, migi ni yūbinkyoku ga arimasu)
Go straight, and you will see the post office on your right.

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Let’s practise recalling the list of vocabulary listed in the table above.

Asking and Giving Direction in Japanese

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